True Blue Air Services
Selling some off market luxury jets with large discount -

Catalog #: 161166
Catagory: Aircraft -->Sales

Date Added: August 20, 2023
Selling some off market luxury jets with large discount - They are in very good condition 2013 Gulfstream G6501. 2009 Gulfstream G550 We have two additional off-market a/c, a BBJ Boeings commercial and an ACJ (A319), VIP configuration business jet, Separately if you know some investors, we are looking for investors for the following proposal Investment FLAGSHIP JET SERVICES JV Offer or Jet lease Offers: Our partnership has 3 possible scenarios for investors to consider investment into private jet service business. OPTION #1 $239M Buy-In Investment which will get them 50% of Flagship Jet Services and 50% of the Airport in N.J. and its income streams. OPTION #2 $89M Flat investment to purchase 3 jets that they will own under an LLC which they can take depreciation and 20% of the income proceeds with a full 5 year lease of the jet that covers all expenses. OPTION #3 $115M Flat investment to purchase 4 jets that they will own under an LLC which they can take depreciation and 20% of the income proceeds with a full 5 year lease of the jet that covers all expenses. Our goal is to expand operations from N.J/N.Y. USA, to London, Then to Dubai and Then to Singapore connecting 3 major financial centers as a shuttle jet service. above is all off market not for mass mail , no internet or social media #floch
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