True Blue Air Services
NON-USA Part 121 Cargo Airline with Worldwide 129 Authorizations and Security clearances.

Catalog #: 161801
Catagory: Aircraft -->Sales

Date Added: September 16, 2023
We have the following offered NON-USA Part 121 Cargo Airline with Worldwide 129 Authorizations and Security clearances. Sale includes a Boeing 747-400 Simulator. Currently has one managed Boeing BBJ on the certificate. Recently had up to five Boeing 747-400 Freighters and all required post holders remain in place. Approvals: ETOPS/EDTO approval,LVO Category IIIb Autoland, Hazmat DG approved World-wide ops specs: US Part 129 Ops Specs passengers and cargo Chinese 129 Ops Specs passengers and cargo EASA TCO approval Canadian Foreign Air Carrier Ops Specs Designated UK Air Carrier non-scheduled cargo. Selling for only US$6.5 million. First in first served will sell very quickly as very much in demand #Ialw
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