True Blue Air Services
here is the info for the 747-283BSF

Catalog #: 167361
Catagory: Aircraft -->Sales

Date Added: May 12, 2024
here is the info for the 747-283BSF Rate is $6,700 base on 250 hrs per month lease for 1 year 747-200 Side loader Register flag Bermuda The Aircraft Our Boeing 747-283 B (SF) is one of the most reliable aircraft on the market with a high payload (113 MT) and a long range almost comparable to a B747-400. This 747 has a TTSN of 66’864 hrs which according to Boeing Industry is about half life. The aircraft was well maintained and preserved and has full maintenance history since new. This 747 is equipped with Pratt and Whitney JT9D-70A, one of the most powerful engines ever fitted on 747-200 series. This 747 had a C check in January 2006 and has flown less than 700 hours since that. An upgrade in avionics was done at that time. It is JAR-OPS and EU OPS compliant. The European VAT is paid. The aircraft is well maintained and all history records are available from day 1. It was manufactured as a passenger aircraft and was converted in cargo in 1996-1997 by IAI. At the time of the conversion, an upgrade in the structure was made to carry more payload #may
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